What’s It Like Living in a Tiny Home?

Living in a tiny house has been a growing trend in recent years. It’s easy to see why, with the affordability, efficiency, eco-friendliness, and minimalism. Some choose tiny home living because it allows them to live debt-free in a home that is more environmentally friendly and sustainable, which is in line with our focus on the environment. Others choose it because they’re able to travel more frequently as well as save money by not having to pay rent or a mortgage. Regardless of why someone chooses to live in a tiny home, we’d like to explore the reality of what it’s really like to live in one. GETTING CLOSER TO NATURE. In most cases, nature and the outdoors becomes an extension of your home when you choose the tiny home life. NovaDome allows you to unlock the true freedom and space of the outdoors while improving both your mental and physical wellbeing. Discover new outdoor hobbies, breath fresh air, and soak in all that our beautiful planet has to offer. You’ll not only have more time on your hands (due to lower home maintenance), you’ll also have a little extra cash to get out and do the things you’ve always wanted to do. On days with bad weather, a NovaDome tiny home will keep you comfortable, stress-free and safe. We have designed our tiny homes with a near net-zero carbon footprint and the ability to perfectly blend with nature. And you can be rest assured that no matter what crazy weather mother nature decides to throw at you, you’ll be secure and cozy inside. THE MINIMAL LIFE. Minimalism at its core means living with less and the first step in adopting this lifestyle is getting rid of the items you don’t need. In fact, one in four Americans suffer from a clutter issue! That’s a lot of clutter. A tiny home forces you to live with less “stuff”. And we think that’s a good thing. Not only will a tiny home be more affordable than a regular house, you can learn to live minimally to save even MORE money. It’s a win-win. Minimalism is an absolute necessity of living in a tiny home. Before you decide to make the move, you’ll want to take an inventory of all your general belongings and decide what you truly need. This will not only help you de-clutter, but also save your hard earned money! LESS MAINTENANCE & CLEANING. Because of its small size, a tiny house is typically not much to maintain. Dusting, vacuuming, and a regular interior cleaning routine will still be needed but will take a fraction of the time to complete compared to a regular sized home. Not only will this save you time, but you’ll also spend less money on cleaning products and your power bill. When it comes to the exterior, we’ve designed the NovaDome to be a very low maintenance tiny home solution. All you need is a hose or pressure washer to keep the outside looking like new. With these basic items, you’ll be good to go. The maximum time needed to clean everything will likely be under an hour. It’s really easy! GET READY TO $AVE. Being mortgage-free is a massive relief for anyone. Downsizing to a tiny home is a great way to eliminate debt and start putting money in your savings account. Here at NovaDome, we help you get the maximum ROI on your tiny home. Our low maintenance and extremely durable dome design makes it easy to start putting away some extra cash. And since our domes are easy to heat and cool, the cost of electricity is greatly reduced. With a smaller space and limited room, you’ll probably start being more frugal naturally, which ultimately increases your financial awareness. Whereas before you may have mindlessly bought something because it was “cute”, you’ll now be forced to consider items before you buy them. Owning a tiny home allows you to cut down on unnecessary spending and live a more minimalistic lifestyle. A Traveler’S DREAM. We get it. Travelling is expensive nowadays. But you can make it affordable with a NovaDome tiny home. Not only will you have more money to work with from your reduced living costs, but you’ll also be able to move your NovaDome around without much effort. We’ve designed our NovaDome tiny homes to be packed up and relocated with minimal effort or move as a whole when its fully constructed. So whether you wanted to leave it in place for when you return from travelling, or bring it with you and set up shop somewhere new for a few months, the choice is yours! Travelling just got easier. Living in a tiny house is not for everyone, of course, but it does seem like it could be a pretty attractive option for a lot of people. There’s no denying that it can help you be more frugal and resourceful with your spending, which can free up your time and energy for other things. And if being closer to nature is part of your ideal lifestyle, tiny home living seems like an easy way to make that happen. Due to their almost net-zero carbon footprint, NovaDomes are more environmentally beneficial. You can pack and pick up your NovaDome and move somewhere new with ease, or it can be your permanent and primary home. They can even be joined together to create sealed, multi-room homes! A NovaDome tiny home is the perfect solution for you if you want to downsize, save money, and protect the environment.