Are There More Natural Disasters Now Than Ever Before?

Natural disasters have been happening alongside humans since the beginning of time. We’ve had to survive floods, earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, and a whole host of other disasters over the hundreds of thousands of years. But while natural disasters are not new, their frequency and magnitude seem to be changing for the worse. NATURAL DISASTER FREQUENCY. Are there more natural disasters now than ever before? In short, yes. But while initially this may seem alarming to most people, a closer look at the statistics about these disasters tells quite a different story than what you might expect. According to studies done by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the number of disasters over the last 50 years has increased fivefold. But while the number of disasters has risen dramatically in the previous 50 years, the number of deaths resulting from each disaster has decreased by two-thirds. This paradox of increased natural disasters with decreases in the total number of fatalities is both cause for triumph and concern. WHAT EXACTLY IS HAPPENING? According to data measured from 1910 until 2010, the world has seen an impressively sharp decline in deaths caused by natural disasters. To put things into perspective, in the 1920s, the world saw an average number of deaths caused by natural disasters reach over 500,000. Comparatively, today, the world averages around only 100,000 deaths per year due to natural disasters. This is incredible news for the global population, specifically when it comes to underdeveloped and lower-income countries since these countries and communities tend to get hit the hardest during and after natural disasters due to poor infrastructure and less manpower when it comes to natural disaster responses. This incredible reduction in death numbers is not thanks to one single innovation or solution but rather the culmination of many different innovations, prevention and forecasting measures, architecture improvements and infrastructure improvements, all working together to improve the living conditions and disaster survival chances of people living in areas that tend to be more affected by these disasters. This low number of global deaths related to natural disasters is even more impressive when you compare it with the growing population numbers over the last ten decades! However, decreased deaths are only one side of the natural disaster coin. While the toll may have dwindled, we’re seeing tremendous increases in the number of natural disasters over the years. According to data captured between 1900 and 2019, the Institute for Economics and Peace revealed a shocking increase from 39 global natural disaster incidents in 1960 to 396 in 2019. This is a ten-fold increase in the number of global natural disasters that happen each year. Although global death rates have been decreasing every decade for the last 90 years, the incredible rise in the total number of natural disasters demands that we look into deeper causes of these disasters. More recent studies have linked modern natural disasters to three causes: human-induced greenhouse gasses, inadequate disaster risk management, and undervaluing environmental costs and benefits. Human-induced greenhouse gasses have been identified as one of the reasons contributing to the freezing temperatures experienced in Texas. The alarming consequence of these gasses is their contribution to cyclone formations, such as Cyclone Amphan. Climate change has also increased extreme sea level events with tropical cyclones and storms, and we’re seeing continual increases in the intensities of other extreme weather events like flooding. The increases in the intensity of sea level events will directly affect modern, low-lying megacities in the future, which may lead to catastrophic death tolls if these events continue at their current trajectory. While the number of deaths related to natural disasters has decreased over the years, past figures should be no means for predicting future events. We need to do our best to reduce our impact on the environment in order to decrease the frequency and intensity of natural disasters so that future generations won’t be under constant threats from these events. This is where NovaDome can make a difference. Despite the ravages of natural disasters, NovaDome’s shelter solutions ensure that people living in affected communities can receive comfortable, safe shelters while ensuring a minimal environmental impact. MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH NovaDome. NovaDome shelters are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, making them ideal for use as disaster relief shelters in disaster-prone areas. The durability and weatherproofing of the domes provide a safe and secure environment for those seeking refuge from natural disasters. Each NovaDome is capable of withstanding hurricane-force winds, heavy snow loads, and even earthquakes. They are constructed using high-tech fiberglass composite and are engineered to meet and exceed building codes and standards. In addition to their durability, NovaDomes are also eco-friendly since sustainable materials are used throughout the construction process. The domes are also designed to be energy-efficient, reducing their environmental impact. This means that NovaDomes not only provide a safe haven for those affected by natural disasters but also help preserve the environment. NovaDome is fighting the fight on two fronts; with a commitment to creating environmentally-friendly housing options, and providing shelter for communities that have been affected by natural disaters. With the global increase in natural disaster numbers, it’s extremely important that we start taking action to properly prepare for these global disasters and have effective relief solutions for when they occur. Global disaster events can show us the worst of what nature can do to cities, towns and communities. But even though these disasters can cause incredible damage to property and livelihoods, we should still be committed to doing our part to reduce our impact on the environment. At NovaDome, we are committed to making a difference in disaster relief efforts. NovaDome shelters are quick to set up, making them an ideal emergency solution. They are also customizable, allowing us to tailor each dome to the community’s specific needs. This means that we can provide shelter for families, individuals, and even entire communities.